Noqanchis - Zusammenstehen
We are an organization focused on scientific-social research based on the concept of reciprocity.
Reciprocity is conceived in the Andean world as a driving principle of ethics, which pushes man to take into consideration the consequences of his actions in relation to the maintenance of the general balance of society, the environment and the entire cosmos, it is an attitude towards life, which can lead to a freedom of giving and receiving, without being considered as a planned exchange with rigid rules.
"Reciprocity as a potential principle allows us to conceive that every disinterested act can have a "retribution", even if it does not affect us directly, since it participates in the general equilibrium. Reciprocity, understood in this sense, becomes an attitude towards life, an epistemological principle with which we can orient ethical practices anchored in daily life and elaborate an art of living for the maintenance of a global equilibrium.". (Beauclair, Nicolas)
The reciprocal forms of work and help are intrinsic elements of the identity of the Andean human being; the ayni (reciprocity of work, mutual help, cooperation) is an institutionalized form of labor reciprocity that is essential for the life of each member of the ayllu (community). For this reason in Noqanchis-zusammenstehen, as part of our identity is that we give part of our skills and work, we share it reciprocally with the German society in the following way:
We promote the acquisition in Germany of products worked directly by the hands of our brothers of the "Qero Nation": Ponchos, hats, gloves, tables, and handicrafts in general.