Sponsor a Tree
Manu National Park is one of the largest areas of primary forest on Earth, is one of the most biodiverse areas in the world and is one of the largest biosphere reserves on the planet. Due to settlement pressure associated with agricultural land expansion, there is a risk of extinction of many plant and animal species as a result of deforestation, slash-and-burn agriculture, unsustainable/intensive agriculture and cattle ranching in unprotected buffer zones. Deforestation of primary forest due to gold prospecting and coca cultivation for cocaine production further aggravate the ecological situation.
By sponsoring a tree or a piece of forest you can contribute to the conservation of the fragile ecosystem of primary and secondary forests. In support of our local partner NGO Sacha Q'ente, who together with local schools and the population are working to save the destruction of the buffer zone.
You will help to manage the forest and plant a new tree in order to repopulate an area that, naturally, would take more than 50 years to recover. With everyone's help we will be able to shorten this process to enjoy this natural space again.
- Personalized sponsorship certificate.
- Photograph of GPS location and cataloguing and registration document from the Ministry of the Environment.
If you want to sponsor, please fill in the form or send us an email at info@noqanchis-zusammenstehen.org , sachaqente@gmail.com and we will ask you for a mailing address, an email address and which modality you prefer. And that's it!